Our Service Team
Throughout the move-in process, our service team will be there for you every step of the way. To ensure the quality of each home we produce and install, our dedicated Customer Care Advocate checks in with new homeowners to confirm their ongoing satisfaction. If there are any issues or concerns, we’ll promptly tackle any maintenance requests throughout the 1-year warranty period.
In the course of each service request, our Customer Care Coordinators and Technicians go above and beyond to guarantee our homeowners remain well-informed and up-to-date on our progress. Our dependable Customer Care team strives to match the same level of dependability and quality rooted in every Schult home.

Scott Thomas
General Manager
With Redwood Falls Since 2019

Cale Blare
Customer Experience Manager
With Redwood Falls Since 2016

Ross Anderson
Assistant Customer Care Manager
With Redwood Falls Since 2021

Mike Jensen
Assistant Customer Care Manager
With Redwood Falls Since 1988

Ryan Rothmeier
Service Parts
With Redwood Falls Since 1995

Jackie Kent
Service Parts
With Redwood Falls Since 2022

Shelley Knott
Customer Care Administrator
With Redwood Falls Since 2016

Patty Tersteeg
Customer Care Coordinator
With Redwood Falls Since 2019

Karie Haak
Customer Care Coordinator
With Redwood Falls Since 2021